Jarrett Smilie is the founder and owner of Body MechaniX Pain & Performance Therapy | Personal Training, where he helps his clients become pain free by tuning their bodies for optimal performance.

His blend of trigger point therapy, plus Medical and Sports massage techniques, coupled with his Corrective Exercise foundation reinforced by the Functional Movement Screening, his CranioSacral Therapy & his Educational Self Treatment techniques leave few problems he can’t help you solve.

He follows a very simple plan of action,

“focus on the cause, and the symptom will disappear.”


L.M.T. & M.M.P., N.A.S.M.-C.P.T. & C.E.S.
Licensed Massage Therapist, Medical Massage Practitioner

National Academy of Sports Medicine NASM

  • Certified Personal Trainer
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Certified Pain-Free Performance Specialist
  • Chek Holistic Lifestyle Coach
  • Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
  • Certified Functional Movement Systems Specialist
  • Certified ViPR Instructor
  • Certified Sandbell Instructor



Jarrett began his career in the health and fitness field as a personal trainer after serving in the Marine Corps as an F-18 Jet Mechanic.
After only 8 months of training under Jarrett, his client “Leelo Moore” became the Inaugural (1st Ever!) Most improved Golds Gym member in their worldwide contest, (Change Your Body, Change Your Life), consisting of over 700 Golds Gym’s around the world. Leelo had suffered a head injury at age 11 that had left him in a coma that the doctors didn’t expect him to wake up from. Fortunately he did wake up after about 6 months, but that’s when the evidence of the brain injury was more obvious than ever.
more on this story soon…
As Jarrett was able to help his client through many adversities,
Jarrett realized he had a gift for helping people decrease bodily pain and increase bodily function.
At this time, Jarrett was also enrolled in the Physical Therapy Assistants program at Lonestar College and took several college classes in Anatomy & Physiology, Functional Anatomy, Physical Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Exercise, among others. But upon completing the course work in the program Jarrett had a life changing experience. He began to realize that the specific protocols used in physical therapy seemed to just take people from not being totally injured and in pain to being better, but not completely healed after all their appointments. Jarrett saw how well his clients kept progressing month after month and knew that this would not be possible in the physical therapy environment.
Jarrett soon became a Corrective Exercise Specialist by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
After his training, Jarrett was fortunate enough to study under the highly regarded, international speaker, Julie Donnelly, creator of the Julstro Muscular Therapy and author of over a dozen books. With Julie’s help, Jarrett soon realized he needed a massage therapy license to truly utilize his abilities.
Upon completion of massage therapy school, Jarrett has continued his education by working on an in-depth certification in sports massage and is now nationally certified as a Medical Massage Practitioner.
Jarrett has also been training heavily in Craniosacral Therapy, an amazing therapy that can help many (hundreds!) ailments.
His personal training routines are completely based on functional movements, utilizing fun and challenging Kettlebells, Sandbells, ViPR’s, Suspension Trainers, Stability Balls, BOSU’s & more.
Kettlebells where first used back in the early 1700’s in Russia, one of the first pieces of fitness equipment and still at the top of the pile when it comes to training for functional strength and performance.
Sandbells are simple amazing creations. Like Kettlebells in so many ways but with unmatched versatility. They can be used to mimic or spice up a Kettlebell movement, or move into a completely different realm of training with many different slam variations. I doesn’t get much better than just throwing something as hard as you safely can. Release some tension and burn a lot of calories at the same time.