Lacrosse has been a big part of my life for years now. So when I torn several ligaments in my ankle just before the beginning of my high school junior year, I feared the worse.

I was stuck in a boot for a month and was kept from running for another month. If that wasn’t enough, this was all going on during Lacrosse off-season. So not only was I not able to advance in physical ability and skill along with my teammates, but I felt like my conditioning was steadily decreasing.
Before the boot was off I was already working with Jarrett on releasing the tight and overactive muscles, while reeducating the muscles that had not been functioning correctly.
It WORKED! Before I knew it I was back to full speed with no pain or need for a brace. And oh yeah, I still made VARSITY! It was a great season and I can’t wait for next season. Currently I’m training for a half marathon and I’m doing my cross traing with Jarrett, which includes so many functional full body exercises with ViPR’s, Sandbell’s, Kettlebell, stability ball’s, Bosu’s, suspension trainers and more that keep the workouts fresh and fun. I know that this next season in Lacrosse will be my best yet!
Thanks Jarrett,
Alexa N.